Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this Mentorship Program?

The overall goal of the UNM WIT Mentorship Program is to empower UNM WIT Members through a transformative mentorship program that fosters meaningful connections, provides valuable resources, and creates a safe space for curiosity and growth. By connecting mentees with accomplished tech professionals from diverse industries throughout New Mexico, we aim to cultivate a thriving community of learners and equip them with the knowledge, networks, and confidence to excel in their careers and beyond.

What’s the program format?

The program runs in approximately six-month Cohorts. In time, multiple cohorts may overlap or run concurrently. Each cohort will start with an orientation session to ensure mentors and mentees have a chance to meet, review the expectations and of all involved, and establish confidentiality agreements. Following the orientation, cohort mentors and mentees will meet virtually, in-person, or hybrid at least one time per month (depending on what they mutually decide) to discuss and work on an area(s) of focus; the format of those meetings will be up to the mentors and mentees based on their availability, preferences for in-person and virtual, and ways of learning and mentoring that work best for them. There will also be several opportunities to attend workshops on specific topics designed to help mentors and mentees get the most out of this program and their growth. At the end of each cohort, there will be a wrap-up and graduation celebration!

What are the expectations of this program?

Expectations of Mentors:

  • Have current membership in UNM WIT, New Mexico WIT, or the New Mexico Tech Council. Membership in UNM WIT is free, just subscribe to our listserv!
  • Meet at least one time per month with their assigned mentee and are encouraged to attend at least one of the workshops.
  • Between meetings, mentors will prepare questions, topic information, exercises, and/or whatever they determine is needed to engage, support, and enrich their mentee.
  • If a mentor cannot attend a scheduled meeting with their mentee, they must find a mutually convenient time with their mentee to reschedule the meeting.

Expectations of Mentees:

  • Have current membership in UNM WIT, New Mexico WIT, or the New Mexico Tech Council. Membership in UNM WIT is free, just subscribe to our listserv!
  • Meet at least one time per month with their assigned mentor and attend at least one workshop during cohort.
  • Between meetings, mentees will prepare questions, complete any assignments agreed upon during the previous meeting, and contact their mentor if they have a problem or question about an assignment that will prevent them from moving forward during the next meeting.
  • If a mentee cannot attend a scheduled meeting with their mentor, they must find a mutually convenient time with their mentor to reschedule the meeting.

Expectations of All Participants:

  • Adhere to the confidentiality agreement between mentor and mentee.
  • Discuss the program with their supervisor BEFORE accepting the offer to participate.
  • Complete the brief post-meeting and post-workshop forms to provide feedback about those activities as well as the program itself.
  • Communicate as soon as possible with the WIT Mentorship Program Committee (MPC) if there is a problem with the mentor-mentee match (unresolvable conflict, inappropriate behavior, breach of confidentiality, and similar), or if they are unable for some reason to complete the cohort.

What kind of time commitment is required?

A cohort lasts approximately six months. The minimum expected commitment for related activities is:

  • Orientation session: ~1.5 hours
  • Monthly meetings: ~1 hour each
  • Assignments and other activities between meetings: ~1-2 hours/week
  • Workshops: ~1.5 hours each
  • Closing session: ~1 hour

As with all valuable efforts, we believe you’ll get the most from this program if you spend some additional time exploring your mentoring topics beyond the meetings and workshops. We also encourage you to discuss topics and the program itself with other cohort members in your respective roles (keeping in mind the confidentiality agreements).

Is participation required to get a promotion or change positions within UNM?

Participation in the program is completely voluntary. Participation does not in any way guarantee career advancement, promotion, or salary increases.

Why do I have to provide my supervisor’s information?

All mentors and mentees will need supervisor approval to participate in this program since at least some required activities will occur during normal working hours. Supervisor approval does not automatically approve paid time during work hours to attend mentorship program activities; however, we encourage you to discuss the possibility of at least some paid time to participate in the program since personal and professional growth tend to enhance job performance.

What happens if I can’t finish the program? Can I join another cohort?

We understand that life happens and circumstances may arise that are beyond your control or just can’t support your continued participation. If you’ve done “due diligence” to try to make it work and decide you must withdraw, we will support your decision. We would ask that you complete a final feedback form and notify your matched mentor/mentee and supervisor of your withdrawal. If you choose to apply for another cohort in the future, we will consider your application; for cohorts where there are more applicants than spaces, priority will be given to applicants who have not yet had an opportunity to participate in the program.

Where can I get more information or apply?

More details and the mentor and mentee online applications are available on the UNM WIT website.